What Makes Our Catch Sustainable?

Strict Management
California fisheries are subject to rigorous oversight and ongoing improvements. Marine protected areas serve as safeguards against overfishing, while local fishermen use techniques that reduce bycatch and minimize interactions with marine mammals.

We take pride in our integrity and ability to offer full traceability. Imported seafood carries risks of illegal harvest and mislabeling which is easy to hide due to complex supply chains. Locally sold seafood, with just 1-2 steps from catch to table, ensures transparency.

Food Miles
Local seafood represents a source of protein with a small carbon footprint, making it better for you and the environment. Imported seafood is flown by airplane, and oil is burned to keep it cold for days to months, creating a large carbon footprint.

Fishing Adaptively
Get Hooked supports a small-scale owner-operated fishing fleet that responds dynamically to the seasonal and annual changes in seafood availability in the Channel. Fishermen often earn better prices by selling locally, allowing them to fish more selectively and reduce resource use. Responding adaptively to ecological conditions and fishing for a diversity of species are key aspects of fishing sustainably.